Why is gutter cleaning important?
How hard is it?

Cleaning out gutters is not easy work. Mainly because you have to be on a roof or ladder to get it done. There is some element of risk for the homeowner, who may not be comfortable at heights. Most of the time, it doesn’t take a lot of skill. You just need to remove the debris and make sure the downspouts are clear. But this takes time if you are not experienced, and the debris is often unpleasant to work with. When wet, it stinks and can get all over your skin and clothes. It’s not a fun job. But it needs to be done regularly. And when the downspouts get clogged, then it gets tough…
Gutter cleaning keeps the water that runs off your roof headed in the right direction.
Some systems run down under the ground and empty into streams, or into the municipal wastewater systems. Others systems drain out onto splash blocks. Both systems divert the water away from your building’s foundation.
In all instances, the purpose is to keep your siding from rotting, and your foundation, basement, or crawl space from getting saturated with too much water, which can cause structural problems, or mold formation.
The solution is to get your gutters cleaned regularly. This can mean once a year (most common). But it can be as frequently as quarterly, in some heavily wooded areas. And in some cases it can mean many years between cleanings. We have enough experience to let you know how often should be necessary. The most obvious hint is when they are overflowing. But that can be a sign that you have let it go too long. And in our busy lives, we aren’t generally walking around the house during downpours to assess the situation!
To get a no obligation quote for gutter cleaning, text your Name, Address, and Email to 425-558-0228. Let us know that you want a gutter cleaning quote, and we’ll get back to you.